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Distribution companies

Señor en su oficina con el ordenador


We are your travel companion

We are present in more than 100 countries around the world and we want to keep growing along with partners like you.
You will have the support of a brand with a legacy of more than 60 years in the lift industry and an organisation of more than 5,700 people committed to our purpose: to bring people together by shortening distances.

100% made in Europe

Lifts entirely designed and assembled in Europe.

Sello "Made in Europe"

Your partner for
lift solutions

We guarantee the best service to our distributors


We offer you a range of high quality competitive solutions that will allow you to reach any segment.

Icono solución competitiva

Always by your side

Our dedication to service means that we are always close by to offer you the most specialised attention and highly qualified technical support in several languages.

icono cercanía

By your side in all the phases of the project

Whether to make an offer, to request a spare part or to consult any technical information, we ensure the best service to our distributors by puttting at your disposal tools and software that will ease your day to day.

Icono información

Be free:
choose what you want

mujer en el sofá navegando con el ipad

Let us advise you

If you don't know which is the best solution for your project, let us advise you.

Find your solution


Create your own

Configure a unique and customised cabin interior by combining the portfolio of components from different collections inspired by three ambiances:

A quiet, pleasant, relaxing environment made up of elements inspired by nature.

Discover Harmonia

An innovative and creative environment.

Discover Innova

An environment based on classical architectural concepts making them current.

Discover Rinaccia
INNOVA Orona Next Innova P1
RINACCIA Orona Next Rinaccia P2
HARMONIA Orona Next Harmonia S1
INNOVA Orona Next Innova S1
RINACCIA Orona Next Rinaccia S2
HARMONIA Orona Next Harmonia R2
INNOVA Orona Next Innova R2
RINACCIA Orona Next Rinaccia R1


Milosa Zecevica
Neznanog junaka
Neznanog junaka

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